Delivered at a time and date to suit your school:
Promote mental wellbeing for the whole school community by bringing the 5 Ways to Wellbeing into the school day at the most unstructured times of day and ensuring all children are included.
Positive Playtimes is a targeted intervention led by pupils and midday supervisors that transforms the daily wellbeing of everyone in the playground.
"It takes the most unstructured time of the day and totally transforms it to engage pupils in more of the Government Foresight’s ‘Mental Capital and Wellbeing’ project outcomes. This, 5 ways to wellbeing approach, boosts engagement, happiness, social interaction, physical activity and continues learning out of the classroom, as well as decreases isolation, poor behaviour and low mood." (
Positive Playtime Practice training includes leading participants through:
- Active behaviour assessment against the 5 ways to wellbeing (using De Bono’s hats and a human bar chart approach to understand why the school currently get the outcomes they are and what they can do to improve those outcomes.)
- Action planning, driven by the children using their new insight, to bring the 5 ways to wellbeing to life outside in the playground – examples are shared from previous action planning sessions with over 50 different activities available for the pupils to choose from or tweak and adapt for their playgrounds.
- Targeting pupils with the Playground Supervisors: through a discussion based approach, playground supervisors highlight a number of children they see as being isolated, withdrawn, presenting low level poor behaviours, etc. These pupils are then planned into specific tasks linked to the 5 ways.
Increased whole school well-being, increased physical activity, engagement, happiness, social interaction and continued learning at lunchtimes and breaks.
Laura SneeBooking information
The cost per school is £549. To book, visit Leeds for Learning.