The Health and Wellbeing Service, Children & Families, Leeds City Council, supports schools and settings with the following:
- advisory support;
- professional development;
- bespoke support.
Across the following areas:
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH);
- Healthy eating; support to reduce and prevent obesity, implementation of the School Food Plan and support with statutory School Food Standards
- Physical activity and physical education
- Personal, Social, Health, Economic (PSHE) Education
- Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education;
- Sexual health;
- Drugs, alcohol and substance misuse;
- Sustainability, eco-friendly schools and climate education.
We also offer:
- ‘My Health, My School’ (MHMS) pupil perception survey (available nationally);
- Youth Mental Health First Aid training (Mental Health Aware available online nationally, Champion and First Aider training available in Leeds);
- Leeds Healthy Schools programme (available nationally);
- Investors in Pupils programme (available nationally);
- PSHE lessons: classroom co-delivery sessions (available in Leeds only);
- Leeds MindMate Friendly programme (available in Leeds only).
Virtual offer:
The Health and Wellbeing Service also provides virtual support to colleagues in schools and settings including:
- virtual teacher network meetings;
- eLearning CPD modules;
- webinar delivery of live training sessions and classroom support;
- virtual 1:1 support;
- wellbeing survey for parents, pupils and EYFS;
- mental health and wellbeing resources;
- virtual staff meetings;
- virtual assemblies.