HENRY Parent Booking Form - ONLINE
What is the HENRY 5-12 programme?
The HENRY Healthy Families Growing Up Programme is an 8-week course delivered by local HENRY facilitators for parents and carers.
Any parent/carer with at least one child aged between 5 and 12 years can join a programme with available spaces.
HENRY is ideal for any family who would like to find out how the whole family can become healthier and happier together. Our programmes explore key themes such as; well-being, whole family lifestyle habits, mealtimes, TV, sleep, food, behaviour, setting boundaries, parenting and physical activity. Programmes are delivered across Leeds and online and there is no cost to attend.
Here is a poster and flyer you can download and share
How to sign up or find out more?
If you would like to register for a programme or find out more, please complete the online form below. One of our team will contact you to discuss HENRY and how to get started. This form can also be completed by any professional or organisation working with a parent.
HENRY Parent Booking Form - ONLINE
You can also contact our friendly team directly by email at HENRY5-12@leeds.gov.uk
Upcoming courses
All programmes last for 8 weeks and usually break for school holidays.
Visit our NEW map to see where HENRY 5-12 take place across Leeds and find a programme near you! If there isn't a future programme at a venue near you, please get in touch to be added to the waiting list.
Click here to view the HENRY 5-12 delivery map!
- Our Lady's Catholic Primary School, LS14 1EP: starting 26 February, Wednesdays, 13:00-15:00 pm
- Ryecroft Academy, LS12 5AW: starting 04 March 2025, Tuesdays, 09:30-11:30 am
- Coop Academy Woodlands, LS9 6DA: starting 18 March 2025, Tuesdays 09:30-11:30
- Bankside Primary School, LS8 5AW: starting 22 April 2025, Tuesdays 09:30-11:30 am
- Bramley Resource Centre, LS13 3DQ: starting 22 April 2025, Tuesdays 12:30-14:30 pm
- Central Leeds (venue TBC): starting 23 April 2025, Wednesdays, 09:30-11:30 am
- Cockburn Haigh Road, LS26 0NQ: starting 23 April 2025, Wednesdays 09:30-11:30 am
- ONLINE: starting 25 April 2025, Fridays 10:00-11:30am
- Hunslet Carr Primary School, LS10 2DN: starting 29 April 2025, Tuesdays 13:00-15:00 pm
- Alder Tree Primary School, LS7 2DR: starting 09 May 2025, Fridays 09:15-11:15 am
- Technorth Family Learning Centre, LS7 3NB: starting 12 May, Mondays, 10:00-12:00 pm
- Stanningley Primary School, LS28 8PE: starting May 2025 TBC
- Swinnow Primary School, LS13 4PG: starting May 2025 TBC
- Dixons Trinity Chapeltown Academy, LS7 4AW: starting May 2025 TBC
If there aren't any programmes suitable to you listed above, pleases get in touch and we can add you to our waiting list and let you know as soon as new dates and locations are released!
Any family can attend a programme, even if your child doesn't attend the school or organisation where the programme will be held.
How does HENRY make a difference?
HENRY family support works – 97% of families who join a HENRY family programme are leading a healthier lifestyle by the programme's end. Independent evaluation has shown that families make long term lifestyle changes, and parents themselves often describe our support as ‘life-changing’.
Here's what families across Leeds have said about HENRY
“I have been improving things for myself and my family. We have less screen time and do more activities. We’re swapping some snacks and drinks for better choices. I’ve found new ways of dealing with situations – we listen equally to each other now, and I allow ‘me-time’ to feel more revived, focused, and confident.”
“It was good to share ideas with other parents and the challenges that face them. I got lots of ideas about how to help my family and make healthier choices for us all. I am a lot more mindful about the snacks and meals my children have, incorporating fruit and vegetables where I can and cutting back on processed snacks. I am more aware of the portion sizes they require.”
“I try to listen more attentively and be patient with them, allowing the children to communicate what they are feeling. Finally, we try to move about more, taking advantage of parks on the way home from school.”
What if my children are under the age of 5 years old?
If you’re a parent carer of children under the age of 5 you can access HENRY Right From the Start.
For further information please contact:
- Leeds community healthcare SPA number 0113 8435683 – for any professional or parent
- Or contact your local children’s centre familyinformation.leeds.gov.uk
Further information
To find out more about the HENRY national programme please visit Homepage | HENRY
For information and fun activities for eating well and being active as a please visit Healthier Families - Home - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Support for parents to look after yourself: Young Minds have some great information and resources that may help you look after your child/children while also looking after yourself.
Parents' Guide to Looking After Yourself | Mental Health Support | YoungMinds
Pregnancy and maternity services
If you are expecting or have a baby or toddler, you can access support through at the link below.
Pregnancy and maternity services - Leeds Health and Care Partnership (healthandcareleeds.org)
This leaflet may provides information and advice on toddler behaviour