We have worked hard to create a package of activities that are varied and suit the needs of everyone. These can believer both onsite at South Leeds Hub, as well as off-site at your school or location.
Onsite we have a large music studio consisting of a recording suite, music production facilities, podcasting stations, and a soundproofed rehearsal room. We run regular sessions including 1:1 or group coaching, DJ workshops and an introduction to music production course. These sessions are run by established artists currently working within the industry – to see our team check out our FB page here (FB LINK).
As well as our studio, we can offer activities such as Climbing, Archery, Bushcraft, Team Building, Circus Skills, Graffiti Board Art workshops and Multi Sport sessions. These can all be delivered at our South Leeds Hub site, or we can bring them to you (subject to a site visit). These sessions push and challenge your young people to develop new skills whilst learning in the outdoor environment.
Our outdoor space offers ample room to increase your knowledge of local flora and forna, getting your hands dirty whilst increasing your knowledge of what you can find down in Miggy Woods! We can run scavenger hunts, plant identification, orienteering and gardening sessions throughout the year.
If you are interested in any of the activities we offer, please click on ‘Download the resource’ to find out more about our prices.
- Cohorts Primary, Secondary
- Audiences Teachers, Parents
- Price Free