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Cooking and Nutrition in the Design and Technology Curriculum

In 2014 Cooking and Nutrition became part of the compulsory Design and Technology Curriculum for all pupils from KS1 to KS3. We have been working with schools since this time to support them to meet this statutory requirement by improving the skills, knowledge and confidence of our school workforce.

The subject content from the Design and Technology Curriculum states that:

“As part of their work with food, pupils should be taught how to cook and apply the principles of nutrition and healthy eating. Instilling a love of cooking in pupils will also open a door to one of the great expressions of human creativity. Learning how to cook is a crucial life skill that enables pupils to feed themselves and others affordably and well, now and in later life”.

Cooking training and support for school staff

Since 2014 we have delivered 8 centrally run training courses to more than 100 delegates from different schools across Leeds. Our training courses provide a practical and hands on experience, learning different cooking techniques to help pupils of different ages enjoy cooking and become confident with food. The course also includes learning on food safety, skill progression, lesson planning and preparation, healthy eating, equipment and assessment.

We can also deliver our training course in-school to a full or partial staff team to provide all members of staff with the confidence and skills they need. Since 2014 we have delivered 18 in-school training courses to over 250 members of staff. The course is delivered in 2 hours or over a full day and we provide all the equipment, ingredients and resources required.

Here’s what teaching staff in Leeds had to say about this training …

“Excellent training, I would highly recommend!”
“Fun and practical and delivered to a high standard, very good explanation of techniques.”
“Brilliant demonstration of progression of skills.”

We can also provide 1 to 1 or bespoke support and advice for your Cooking and Nutrition curriculum, support with planning, co-teaching, lesson observations or assessment.

Want to know more?

To find out more about training courses please visit or visit the training courses page on this website. To arrange an in-school visit or speak about anything on this page please email us at 

Coming soon … We are looking to develop some E-learning or virtual training for cooking in the curriculum. If you are interested in helping us pilot this course, please getting in touch or watch this space!



Links and further reading

National curriculum in England: design and technology programmes of study:

Food a fact of life:

Food teaching in primary schools: knowledge and skills framework (Public Health England):

Core competences:

Characteristics of good practice teaching food and nutrition education in secondary schools:

Characteristics of good practice teaching food and nutrition education in primary schools:

What should primary school pupils know about healthy eating, cooking and where food comes from? (British Nutrition Foundation)

Design and Technology Association:

Leeds Cookery School:

The Junior Kitchen Morley: