Delivery of a successful programme around Equality, Diversity and Inclusion is essential to support our Best City Ambitions indluding:
- for Leeds to be a city that is fair and just, that recognises and embraces people’s different needs, situations and ambitions.
- A city where the barriers that limit what people can do will be removed, and everyone will be enabled to be their best.
As the second largest local authority, it has taken a lead on developing tools to embed Equality, Diversity and Inclusion work across the organisation and in our work with partners. A refreshed approach to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, including a Vision Statement and Action Plan, have recently been developed.
Although the council has legal responsibilities related to the delivery of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, we want to do more than only our statutory responsibilities because it is the right thing to do.
The Children and Young People Plan (CYPP) for 2023 – 2028, due to be published late 2023, continues to have as its focus, being a “Child Friendly City” and sets outs how Leeds will be an inclusive and welcoming city for all children and young people, reducing inequalities and eliminating discrimination.
The views of children and young people are at the heart of this work, and as “Child Friendly Leeds” celebrated its 10th birthday in 2022, a review of feedback from local and city-wide consultations, surveys, and ballots over the last 3 years, capturing the views of 80,000 children and young people in the city was undertaken to identify the current top issues and priorities.
Wish number 4 of the “12 wishes” is: ‘Differences are celebrated in Leeds so children and young people feel accepted for who they are. They do not experience bullying and discrimination.
That people in Leeds have a better understanding of diversity and therefore celebrate differences in abilities, ethnicity, family background, language, religion, sex and opinions. Children and young people feel accepted, included and valued. They have a greater awareness of their rights not to be bullied or discriminated against and know what to do if it happens’.
As part of this work, this page has been created to support and signpost you to useful information from the Health and Wellbeing Service, that will enable you to quickly access information and resources available to aid your school / setting in working towards achieving wish and effectively eliminate bullying.’