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Local & National Domestic Violence & Abuse Support Services

Help is available by accessing any of the support services listed in this document, experienced staff are available to listen in a non-judgemental manner.

The information contained in this document is collated and provided by the Leeds City Council in good faith. Allinformation and materials are intended for your general information and use only and do not constitute any kind ofadvice or recommendation. You should not rely upon any information contained in this document for making orrefraining from making any specific decision.

Leeds City Council does not guarantee the accuracy or validity of the information and materials included, nor does itguarantee the quality or fitness for purposes of any works, goods or services that may be provided by any third party.To avoid doubt, no liability is accepted in this regard.

The views expressed in sites that are linked to this document are not necessarily those of Leeds City Council andshould not be regarded as policy of Leeds City Council. Leeds City Council cannot accept responsibility for errors oromissions the links/data may contain nor any loss or damage which may occur, relating to the accuracy of theinformation on cited websites.

We shall have no liability to any person or organisation in respect of any loss or damage arising directly or indirectlyfrom the use of the information contained on third party Websites. If you find anything that causes concern please let us know.

Healthy relationships

Healthy Relationships

This is a new website with advice, guidance and curriculum resources to support learning around Healthy Relationships.




Rise above


Rise Above

Helping you teach PSHE curriculum topics to KS3 and KS4 pupils, with flexible lesson plans and ready-to-use PowerPoints co-created with teachers, and video content developed with 11 to 16-year-olds.

 Some topics and films may also be suitable for Year 6.

Rise Above for Schools






Childline Campaign

Childline has launched a campaign to help young people understand the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships, and help them identify signs that their relationship might not be quite right. 'Looking out for Lottie’, an eight part series, follows a fictional character Lottie who gets into an unhealthy relationship, showing how grooming can happen without realising it.

Childline: healthy and unhealthy relationships 



Expect respect

Expect Respect

The Expect Respect Educational Toolkit consists of one easy to use ‘Core’ lesson for each year group from reception to year 13 and is based on themes that have been found to be effective in tackling domestic abuse. Although the Expect Respect Education Toolkit is targeted for use by teachers within schools, it can just as easily be used by a range of other professionals working with children and young people in a variety of settings such as youth clubs or play schemes. You do not need to download the whole toolkit. You can just download the introductory section and the year that is appropriate to the age group you are working with.

Women's Aid Expect Respect Educational Toolkit


pshe association

The PSHE Association have produced a guidedance document on planning and teaching consent effectively KS1-4.  This guidance is available to non-menbers. They have also produced lessons for KS1-4.  Lessons are available to PSHE Association members only.

 Consent Guidance

PSHE Association Consent lessons KS1-4




Teaching about consent.

Consent has to be the single most important topic within relationships and sex education (RSE). If a young person fully understands what consent means to themselves and others it lays the foundations for so many other core values such as respect, good communication, self-esteem and resilience. It can mean that they strive to do no harm to others and, in turn, seek help if they are harmed.

Find some top tips here for teaching about consent.

Family Planning Association. Teaching tips-for-teachers.pdf




This site provides teachers, professionals and parents with information and resources to help educate young people about keeping safe and making responsible choices.





This is a short clip from a dvd made by the isis project, part of Leeds based charity Genesis. It highlights the issues around grooming, abuse and exploitation of children with a view to helping young people keep safe.  Secondary resource

Sick Party DVD clip - Basis (




Children from across the UK pose questions to a number of trusted adults about the nature of healthy and unhealthy relationships and how relationships can sometimes change.

In this short film you will see small groups of children ask questions on behalf of their peers to adults they trust.

Questions covered are:

Can a healthy relationship change?

Is there such a thing as a perfect relationship?

Can family hurt you?

Does a family always have to have love?

The adult’s answers are not scripted or prepared – the video features authentic, unrehearsed responses to a variety of questions. The issues raised are real life concerns from children aged 9-12 which were generated through RSE workshops facilitated by professional workshop facilitators.

Due to the sensitive nature of the subject matter, we strongly advise teacher viewing before watching with your pupils.

BBC KS2 Healthy vs unhealthy relationships




The PSHE Association worked in partnership with the NSPCC to develop this new teaching resource, which will support pupils aged 9 through to 16 to navigate safe and healthy relationships in an online world.

The free pack includes three lessons to support transition and changing friendships at key stage 2 and six lessons exploring healthy and unhealthy relationships at key stage 3. The three lessons at key stage 4 address issues such abusive behaviour in relationships and pornography.

NSPCC Making sense of relationships


behind closed doors

Behind Closed Doors - Healthy Relationships Project

Behind Closed Doors-orb is a dedicated website where you can search, view and download resources designed to assist you in educating children and young people in a school setting about healthy relationships. 

At Key Stage 1, the focus is on Healthy Relationships.  At Key Stage 2, the focus is on domestic abuse. The Workshop materials at Key Stages 3 and 4 create real and in-depth discussion about 13 different aspects of Healthy Relationships.





The Home Office have created the 'Disrespect NoBody' campaign. The campaign aims to prevent the onset of abuse in relationships by challenging attitudes and behaviours amongst young people in relationships.

The campaign is targeted at 12 to 18 year old boys and girls and aims to prevent them from becoming perpetrators and victims of abusive relationships.

Disrespect Nobody (




In March 2019 we launched the Alice Ruggles Trust Relationship Safety Resource, quality-assured teaching materials and lesson plans on stalking and coercive behaviour aimed primarily at Key Stage 4 (14- to 16-year-old) students that are freely available to secondary teachers throughout the UK as part of the new statutory RSE strand of PSHE education. 

Alice Ruggles Trust teaching resources



Ask Brook… A guide to sexual health and wellbeing

Brook – Healthy lives for young people



Leeds sexual health

Leeds Sexual Health

Leeds Sexual Health. This website is a one stop shop for sexual health services in Leeds. The site lists all the FREE sexual health services available in Leeds – making your life easy. You’ll find useful maps, contact numbers, websites, and opening times at your fingertips. Each section is split into services for under 25s and services for over 25s.





The Positive Identities Service offers sexual orientation and gender identity expertise through the provision of training, consultancy and direct work interventions. We offer services to schools, organisations and wider communities so that they can provide safe spaces for LGBTQ staff, volunteers and children, young people and their families.

Positive Identities - LGBTQ Commissioned Work | Barnardo's ( 





Same love, different families

This Stonewall resource celebrates the fact that children may be part of different families to their friends and classmates but that all families are characterised by love and care and are special!

Things Tom Likes

Tom likes lots of different things. He likes singing and watching TV in the family room. There are also things that Tom enjoys doing in private, like touching his penis.
This accessible and positive resource helps parents and carers teach boys with autism or other special needs about masturbation. It covers when and where it is appropriate and helps to establish boundaries surrounding privacy more generally. With simple but explicit illustrations, this book provides the perfect platform to talk about sexuality with boys and young men with autism or special needs.

Click the image to take you to the website. 

Human Papilloma Vaccine (HPV)

From September 2019, all 12 and 13 year-olds in Year 8 will be offered the HPV vaccine, this now includes boys as well as the established program for girls. In Leeds the vaccine will be offered in school during year 9.

Please view the following video in which Michelle, an immunisation nurse, explains what the HPV vaccine is, how it works and why it’s important:

There is also a classroom resource from the PSHE Association which can be accessed here: