The seven-week program covers six topics, each weekly session is one hour with a group of no more than 10 pupils. Alongside each session, there will be an information pack for parents/carers, activities to try at home.
The six topics:
- belonging,
- physical health,
- emotional health,
- sleep,
- support systems and
- celebrating personal qualities and success.
Identifying pupils for the programme:
The criteria schools/settings will be asked to use to identify pupils is as follows:
- suffering from anxiety and depression;
- need support with increasing resilience and social skills;
- suffer from poor emotional health and wellbeing;
- demonstrating any risky health behaviours including, but not restricted to, self-harm;
- decrease in attendance and attainment or history of low attendance and attainment;
- difficulties in identifying and establishing healthy relationship;
- suffering from issues related to COVID.
The programme was developed alongside schools and was piloted in 2021/22. It received an overwhelmingly positive response from the schools who took part in the pilot:
"I loved that each session focused on something different, my older children commented on this as well. It was nice to have a new session each week that was based on something different…The children really enjoyed the group and I found that they were really engaged throughout each session - they particularly liked the hula hoop, rock paper scissors!!
"I personally have found the sessions really interesting and I am looking forward to recommencing the group with some different children this term.” (Teacher, Whinmoor St Pauls)
This is a targeted commission, to find out if your school is eligible for the programme please email quoting primary resilience programme in the subject of the email.