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Going through puberty can be a confusing, difficult time for some children. Talking through both the physical and emotional changes can help to alleviate some of the worries they experience and help them to grow in confidence. This session gives pupils the opportunity to explore some of the changes they may experience and includes information on body changes, periods, mood swings and examines how pupils can manage their growing independence including personal hygiene, understanding privacy and ways to manage their wellbeing.


Links to Statutory Relationships and Health Education Guidance 

  • key facts about puberty and the changing adolescent body, particularly from age 9 through to age 11, including physical and emotional changes.
  • about menstrual wellbeing including the key facts about the menstrual cycle.
  • about the concept of privacy and the implications of it for both children and adults; including that it is not always right to keep secrets if they relate to being safe.
  • that each person’s body belongs to them, and the differences between appropriate and inappropriate or unsafe physical, and other, contact.


Links to Statutory Science curriculum:

  • describe the changes as humans develop to old age



The price for these sessions is £95 for one session (maximum 30 pupils).


To request a quote or make a booking please visit the Leeds for Learning, puberty session page.


'The sessions were very informative and the staff who delivered were great listeners. The facilitator had a non-judgemental approach which allowed the pupils to be open and honest on how they feel.'

YR5 Teacher


“It was fun and at the same time I was learning”

Primary pupil